Friday, October 3, 2008


Well, Hopsy has not only brought joy to my world, but inspired me to walk through the door of blogging! So will you come along with me for the journey? I hope so! Never in my wildest dreams did I think one day I would add another "to do" to my daily list. Perhaps it is one's perspective in how they view a task? My wish is the tidbits and morsels of this woman's world will bring more joy to yours... doesn't it lift your spirits when you share with others not expecting anything in return? So please, if you will - allow me to share my favorite things in life with you.

My most very favorite thing in the world to do is bake. When I was a young girl and couldn't sleep at night I would peruse through cookbooks and create wonderful sweet things during the night. My family would awake in the morning to countertops of baked goodies. "Hmmm, guess who couldn't sleep last night?" Here is one of my favorite creations... enjoy!
Oh, by the way read, no I suggest subscribe to Hopsy's blog at!

1 comment:

GrannySmithGreen said...

Hopsy sent me! I'm so glad that you have decided to join the blogging world. I started several months ago and have had more fun that I have time!

I noticed that you read The Shack. I wrote a post about it. Please come visit my blog and you can check it out. I'd love to have you come by! I hope you'll be a regular!